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Lose weight without dieting: 5 reasons why it is easier with green smoothies

Lose weight without dieting with green smoothies

Losing weight without dieting is often very easy with the help of green smoothies: If you replace a meal per day with a green smoothie, you usually lose a few pounds. You will quickly find your own feel-good weight - without permanent diets and without having to give up small sins - you should even be able to maintain your feel-good weight. There a five quite plausible reasons why "With green smoothies to the bikini figure" is not a cheeky advertising promise.


  1. Green smoothies are an easily digestible and filling meal
  2. Green smoothies stop cravings for junk food and sugar
  3. Green smoothies reduce fat and water retention
  4. Lose weight without dieting with green smoothies
  5. Green smoothies are suitable for everyday use and outsmart the yoyo effect
Register now for the Detox Cleanse with Green Smoothies

1. Green smoothies are an easily digestible and filling meal

...if they are freshly prepared from leafy greens, ripe fruits and water, without any added sugar or finished products. Unlike freshly squeezed juices, the ingredients in green smoothies are processed whole, therefore smoothies contain a lot of fiber. Blending creates an easily digestible but high-fiber meal that satiates for a long time. If I drink 0.7 to 1 liter of Green Smoothie for breakfast, I don't feel hungry until noon - about 3 hours later. In the meantime, I don't even have appetite for a small snack.

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2. Green smoothies stop the craving for junk food and sugar

After a green smoothie, the craving for addictive foods goes away: sugar, coffee, junk food, white flour products - for some, it is also supposed to help against nicotine. I definitely need my espresso before my smoothie - or I won't even want a green smoothie - we don't want that.

Relevant literature: Befreite Ernährung by Christian Dittrich-Opitz

Reasons for this claim: Green smoothies really nourish the human cells. Those who are truly nourished are also truly satiated. In this phase uncontrolled hunger attacks have no chance. Among other things, this is due to the alkalizing effect of green smoothies. You can find out more about alkaline nutrition here.

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3. Green smoothies reduce fat and water depots

Every day we take in toxins from food and the environment - e. G. through pills, through exhaust fumes, through food packed in plastic. If the toxins cannot be completely disposed by our detoxification organs - liver, kidneys, intestines and skin - the body builds up fat and water deposits as "final storage". It is visible as cellulite for women and belly fat for men. Green smoothies are a terrific support for the detoxification organs. They can help to reduce existing deposits. Result: We lose weight.

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4. Lose weight with green smoothies without dieting

I don't like diets, I don't like permanent indulgence either. I like chocolate. But: I also like green smoothies. They have been my favorite breakfast for 5 years. All three of the above mentioned points are integrated into my daily life. Instead of changing my diet, I supplemented my diet without much hassle - and lost a few kilos along the way. Nevertheless, I still like to eat a 5-course meal in the evening and would never give up a festive feast with the family.

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5. Green smoothies are suitable for everyday use and outsmart the yo-yo effect

Green smoothies can be prepared in no time at all: Add ripe fruit, leafy greens and water to a high-speed blender. Blend for about 1 minute. Done. Maximum preparation time: 10 minutes including cleaning. Smoothies give you a feeling of lightness, convenient to carry to work, travel, exercise - wherever. Guaranteed without yo-yo effect - because the above-mentioned points 1-4 prevail. The simplicity of smoothies is another reason why it wasn't hard for me to integrate them into my daily life.

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Positive side effect: reach your feel-good weight easily with green smoothies
Positive side effect: reach your feel-good weight easily with green smoothies.

Did green smoothies help you lose weight or maintain your feel-good weight?

We appreciate your Feedback here!

Register now for the Detox Cleanse with Green Smoothies

Carla from

I fell in love with the first sip. In 2010 a friend of mine served me my first green smoothie. Since then, green smoothies are my absolute favorite breakfast. Quickly prepared, I start my day healthy, delicious and well nourished. I carry the feeling of this delicious healthy breakfast with me all day long - all the way through to the evening.
Nice side effect: Without renunciation or nutritional dogma, green smoothies regulate my desire for coffee, chocolate and all the other temptations.

Among other things, Carla gives workshops for beginners and also is responsible for social media and communication.

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54 | Comment(s)

Thank you
Carla von Grü
You're welcome!
My experience was almost the same.
I would like to lose a few pounds and detox.
Carla von Grü
Dear Larysa,

Thank you very much for your comment. Perhaps our free detox cleanse might be something for you.

Best regards,
I would be very happy to receive the recipes.
Carla von Grü
Hello Sabine,

if you would like to receive recipes, you need to subscribe to the respective list with your email address - for example, for the detox cleanse or our Top 10 Recipes for Beginners.

Best regards,
Lily Grethen
I would love to lose 3 kg from home office and would like to join. Thank you, Lily.
Carla von Grü
Dear Lily,

please register with your email address in the designated registration box on the page for the detox cleanse:
Make Your Own Detox Cleanse - Cleanse in 7 Days with Green Smoothies

Best regards and good luck!
I would like to participate in the 7-day detox cleanse.

Best regards, Karen
Carla von Grü
Dear Karen,

We’re happy to hear that! Please sign up here: Make your own Detox Cleanse - Detoxification program in 7 days with Green Smoothies

Wishing you lots of success!
Elisabeth Kottkamp
I’m excited to be a part of it.
Carla von Grü
Dear Elisabeth,

To participate in the detox cleanse, you would need to sign up with an alternative email address. Our system shows you as a participant from 2018. Unfortunately, due to technical reasons, multiple participations with the same email address are not possible.

So just sign up again, and we will send you recipes and a shopping list: Make Your Own Detox Cleanse - Detoxification Program in 7 Days with Green Smoothies

Warm regards,
Sehlinger Johannes
My name is Johannes. I’ve heard a lot about green smoothies.
But where can I find recipes or information about such a drink??
Could you please help me??
Best regards, Johannes
Carla von Grü
Hello Johannes,

Thank you very much for your question.
I recommend starting with our Top 10 Green Smoothie Recipes for Beginners.

If you need tips and recipes to get started, our free 7-Day Kickstart might also be right for you: 7-Day Kickstart: Become a Green Smoothie Expert in a Week.

Best regards,
Looking forward to your tips!
Carla von Grü
Dear Yvonne,

If you would like to participate in the detox cleanse again, you would need to register with an alternative email. Unfortunately, due to technical reasons, registering multiple times with the same address is not possible.
Just sign up again with a different email address and let’s get started: Do the detox cleanse yourself - detoxification program in 7 days with green smoothies

Wishing you much success and joy with the smoothies!
I am curious, thank you!
Silke Bernhardt
I would like to participate in the Detox cleanse
Carla von Grü
Dear Silke,

Please sign up in the registration box here.

Have fun!

Clemens Wilson-Reissmann
Looking forward to your tips
Hello, I've been hooked on green smoothies for two years now and would also like to drink them more often in the evening.
However, I usually get heartburn from the smoothies, especially in the evening. My usual ingredients are spinach, leaf lettuce, cucumber, apples or pear, sometimes ginger, some avocado or cashews. There are other ingredients too, but this is my “standard”. Can you guys think of any ways I can manage the stomach acid? Best regards and thank you! Anja
Carla von Grü
Dear Anja,

perhaps reduce the amount you drink and omit the cash nuts - they unnecessarily weigh down the smoothie and make it less alkaline.

Kind regards,
Hi there,
I loved your challenge and enthusiastically tried out new recipes! I've always been a smoothie fan, but I usually just freestyled it, resulting in tasty but somewhat similar-tasting drinks. I will definitely participate again! I have one more question: do you have any ideas for smoothies in the evening? I haven't dared to drink these vitamin bombs late in the day because I wouldn't want to be energized right before bed. Maybe there's something like that, perhaps with lavender or something that is easy to digest and calming?

Best regards,
Anne Mielich
Dear Anke,
Thank you so much for your kind feedback and praise for our Challenge :) We haven't created any special evening smoothies yet, but of course, calming wild herbs such as St. John's Wort, Valerian, or Lemon Balm are great options. Fresh chamomile flowers also work well in the evenings - either in a Green Smoothie or as a topping.
Warm regards,
Hello Carla,

Vacation blender sounds great!!!

I've been thinking for a while how I can have a vacation with green smoothies too -
or if I can never go on vacation again ;-)

Which vacation blender can you recommend???
That would be THE solution :)))

At home, I use the Vitamix.
Can your vacation blender match that?

Thank you very much for your information in advance.
Best regards,
Hello Ulrike,
I have a tip for you: go on vacation and take the Vitamix S30 with you - it is smaller than your home mixer and, most importantly, lighter. When I travel with my family, every kilogram really matters. The great thing about air travel is that you can separate the blade block from the container and only check in the blades. You can read all about how it works and how happy my little Vitamix made me on my last trip to Italy here.

Enjoy reading,
I've tried making green smoothies here in the Philippines, but I found the taste awful. I had to "force" myself to choke down the concoction. Maybe it would be better with ingredients that I can get in Germany? That's why I gave up on it again. However, I do blend various types of fruit to make delicious beverages.

When I read the responses, I miss any criticism, and I can't shake the feeling that many "esoteric aunts" are expressing themselves and turning it into a religion.

I'm not up for such ridiculousness!

Best regards,

Hello Paul,
If you manage to prepare good fruit smoothies, it should also be possible to make a good green smoothie. Of course, I am not familiar with the leafy greens available in the Philippines, but I believe you should be able to find pak choi there as well. So here's my suggestion: Combine 3 pak choi leaves with 1 banana, 1 slice of pineapple, 1/2 mango, a little lime with the peel, and water as needed. A few leaves of fresh mint would also go well with it. First, you put the soft fruits in the blender, then add the remaining ingredients and blend until you get a smooth and creamy consistency. With a high-performance blender, this takes about 1 minute.
But for the good taste of green smoothies, it's not only about the combination of ingredients, but also about the blender. Because compared to fruit smoothies, leafy greens, which are more fibrous, require a powerful device to be finely and creamy pureed together with the fruits. And this has absolutely nothing to do with esotericism, but with technology.
Best regards, Carla
Susanne Strasser
Hello dear Smoothies,

I am brand new here and would love to know why you advise against using iceberg lettuce in one of your smoothie recipes. It's growing so beautifully in my garden right now.

Warm greetings from down-under,
Hello dear Susanne,
Iceberg lettuce has significantly less chlorophyll content than other deep green leafy greens such as spinach, wild herbs, or even parsley, which is why we prefer those. However, there is nothing wrong with using iceberg lettuce directly from the garden (you can't get any fresher than that!) and incorporating it into a green smoothie with other leafy greens that are richer in chlorophyll.
Best regards,
Luise Melhus
Hello dear ones, I have been recommended by a natural health practitioner to make my green smoothie using freshly squeezed apple juice instead of water, as water could lead to acidification. Is this possible? I am uncertain and would appreciate your experienced assessment. Thank you for the multitude of inspirations! Luise
Dear Luise,
We cannot confirm the recommendations of your naturopath. The only thing we avoid in the green smoothie is carbonated water because of its acidic effect. We recommend using high-quality water such as still water, spring water, or filtered tap water. Of course, you can also use freshly squeezed juices. For culinary reasons, we like to use fresh orange juice, which gives a very gentle and wonderfully full-bodied flavor in the green smoothie.
Best regards, Carla
Your smoothies are great, they all taste very delicious. I haven't created a favorite smoothie. Today, it was all about imagination: freezing goutweed, nettle, and parsley. Fresh turmeric and ginger. From the spices "Hauche": vanilla bean, cardamom, ground yarrow, cinnamon, 1 apple and half a pear. Coconut water. The smoothie is "beautifully" bitter, but gooooood.
The blender is "cleansed" with coconut water, so that nothing is lost.
By the way, I've been drinking the smoothies almost daily for about 3 years now and with my mid-70s, I feel fitter and healthier. I bring a small and powerful blender on my vacations.
Keep up the good work.
Dear Antje, that sounds absolutely fantastic! I would love to feel that way when I'm over 70 as well. I completely understand why you have a vacation mixer - I have one too, of course. We wish you all the best - thank you so much for the lovely recipe feedback.
Hello everyone,
I think smoothies are great and enjoy drinking them. However, I have a question for you. What if, for example in the evening when the craving for something sweet or similar usually hits, we replace a meal with a smoothie?
Does it have any positive or even negative effects on the body?
Best regards.
Since green smoothies are an easily digestible meal, you can also enjoy them as a "dinner." Just make sure to allow enough time after your previous meal. Depending on how heavy it was, you should wait at least 1-2 hours - but ideally 2 hours. Give it a try and let us know how the smoothie works as an evening meal for you.
Warm regards, Carla
Angelika Fischer
I've been dealing with really bad heartburn ever since I started regularly drinking green smoothies. Of course, I've already eliminated citrus fruits. I'm very sad because I can hardly use my Vitamix anymore.
Anne Mielich
Dear Angelika, that would be a shame if you could no longer use the Vitamix. There are so many application possibilities, apart from the green smoothies. We also love pesto, ice cream, and soups made with the Vitamix. Or you could try making a mild and gentle almond milk, for example, using 2 tablespoons of almond butter and 200ml of water, or fresh almond milk made with 4 cups of water, 1 cup of almonds, 3 Medjool dates, and optionally a pinch of cinnamon or a pinch of vanilla. If you want to make the almond milk fresh, let the almonds soak in water overnight. Then, put all the ingredients in the blender and mix on high speed for about 2 minutes. Pass the milk through a filter to remove the almond meal. If desired, heat it gently in a small saucepan on the stove until the milk is lukewarm.
If you have persistent problems with heartburn, we recommend that you consult your doctor or naturopath. Only in this way you can find out the cause of the heartburn and if you may have other intolerances or similar issues.
Warm regards from Berlin, Anne
Hello everyone,
I also participated in the Challenge, and it was great! It wasn't as difficult as I thought to get used to it.
After reading the 5 reasons, I understand that I was able to easily go without food until lunchtime and had much less hunger and cravings.
However, something very strange happened right after the three weeks (I wanted to continue, and I enjoyed all the recipes). When I took my first sip in the morning, I felt nauseous and couldn't drink smoothies anymore. I've tried again and again, but it just doesn't work. Does anyone have a similar experience or know how I can get back on track?
I was and still am really disappointed because I found it so great and noticed how beneficial it was. And now this obstacle...
I'm looking forward to your tips and experiences.
Lots of love, Doro
Anne Mielich
Dear Doro,

First of all, we were delighted that you participated in our challenge and that you were so enthusiastic about it. It's a pity that you didn't enjoy the green smoothies anymore after the challenge. Maybe you needed a short break after having so many smoothies? I would suggest gradually reintroducing yourself to green smoothies after a few days off, starting with mild and simple ingredients. And if you've already been bitten by the smoothie bug, your appetite for green smoothies will surely return soon. Perhaps you'll enjoy drinking them together with others? In our Detox Program, you can find new recipes that are specifically detoxifying and soothing.

Warm regards from Berlin,
Hey there!
Do you generally lose weight with green smoothies? What about children or people who are already thin? Do they become even thinner by consuming green smoothies or do they gain weight because they are getting better nourishment from them?
Best regards,
Hello Melanie,
We can't make a general statement about whether Green Smoothies help with weight loss or weight gain. It always depends on your individual metabolism, other dietary habits, and especially your lifestyle.
From our experience, Green Smoothies can be helpful in achieving your ideal weight, especially when consumed as a meal replacement. For most people, this means replacing a breakfast consisting of bread and other carbohydrates with a nutrient and fiber-rich meal that is low in carbs. That's why many people lose a few kilograms when making this switch. Rarely do we hear from Challenge participants that they have gained weight with Green Smoothies. If that is your goal, Heidi's advice may be useful. Alternatively, you could also focus on using fruits that are high in fructose, such as very ripe bananas, mangos, or occasionally dried fruits like Medjool dates and figs, when preparing Green Smoothies. Give it a try.
Best regards, Carla
Heidi Schollenberger-Schmid
If you don't want to lose weight, you don't replace any meals but rather incorporate smoothies as an additional drink. Smoothies help reduce cravings for chocolate.