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How to make Almond Butter - 5 minute recipe

Make your own almond butter in blender

The prices for almond butter significantly increased again - especially 250g portions have become more expensive. If you have a high-speed blender at home, this does not have to bother you - you can make your own almond butter. This is not only interesting in terms of price, but also in terms of taste: fresh almond paste is simply delicious - as a spread, e. G. in combination with a little honey, as a fruit dip for apples and pears, to refine desserts and mueslis - or simply spooned. In addition, almond butter scores with a lot of magnesium (good against stress!), vegetable protein (good for vegetarians and vegans!) as well as lots of B vitamins (good for the nerves!).

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Almond butter recipe for the blender

Contrary to many DIY almond butter instructions on the internet, preparing it with a high-speed blender (in this case, the Bianco Primo Plus) requires no other additions like water or oil. Our trick: Roast the almonds in the oven before blending.
Roasting the nuts ensures that the nut's own oil is released during the following processing in the blender. The nuts quickly reach a creamy, smooth consistency - absolutely comparable to store-bought almond butter. In addition, the roasted flavors go well with the almond butter. We deliberately decided against the raw version - for culinary reasons, we didn't get good almond butter results with raw nuts in the blender - certainly not without adding extra oil! This definitely is a compromise, as nutrients are lost when the almonds are roasted.

Almond paste

"The 5 Minute Recipe"
Prep Time 20 Min
Perform Time 5 Min
Total Time 25 Min
Amount 500 ml
Calories 2890 kcal
Cuisine Mus
Author Carla from
Make your own almond paste and put fresh almond paste in a bowl.
5 / 5 out of 1240 Reviews


  • 500 g almonds (unpeeled) We recommend that you do not process more than 500 g almonds. More almonds can only be process into almond flour.
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon


  1. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees at top/bottom heat for about 5 minutes. Spread the almonds on a baking sheet and roast for about 5-7 minutes. Since every oven is different, we recommend that you keep checking the almonds, as they can burn quite quickly. The creaminess of the almond paste is related to the roasting time. If almonds are roasted too long, too much oil evaporates and the almond paste no longer has the liquid-creamy consistency (as in the pictures in this post), but rather resembles a solid spread. Now remove the tray from the oven and let the almonds cool down a bit.
  2. Below you will find the blending times and the resting times for the blender between the individual blending runs. Please observe these, otherwise the mixture will heat up too much and may damage the container.
  3. We are often asked whether you can prepare almond paste in the Bianco Primo, we therefore show the preparation in this high-speed blender. We put all the almonds and a pinch of salt and cinnamon in the container and puree the nuts on the lowest speed level for about 1 minute until a nut flour is formed. Pause and use the tamper to push the nut mixture down from the inside walls of the container.
  4. In the next blending run, start at lowest speed for about 30 seconds and slowly turn up to maximum - continue blending for about 1.5 minutes. The almond flour will now change to a mushy mass as the oil begins to escape. If necessary, press the nut mass down with the tamper while blending (with the lid closed, of course). Again, take a short break for about 30 seconds.
  5. Repeat the previous blending step under point 3. After another 2 minutes of blending, you will have a silky smooth nut puree. The entire preparation takes about 5 minutes.
  6. Afterwards, it is best to fill the almond puree into sterilized canning jars. This way it will keep for weeks. To do this, rinse the jar and lid with boiling water and then dry upside down on a clean kitchen towel.

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Conclusion: Better make your own almond butter!

A high-speed blender is already an ingenious kitchen appliance. In the past, we would not have thought that we could make delicious almond butter ourselves. Therefore, our clear recommendation, if you have a high-speed blender at home: Instead of buying almond butter, prepare your own - it's cheaper and you know what's in it. Feel free to try the almond paste recipe with other nuts such as hazelnuts or cashews - or prepare nut butter mixtures or even chocolate variants. But even with other nuts, it is important that they are roasted before processing!

Many children like almond paste: Carla feeds little Vida

Almond Butter Recipe as a PDF file

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Have you ever made your own almond paste in a blender?

We appreciate your Feedback here!

Carla from

I fell in love with the first sip. In 2010 a friend of mine served me my first green smoothie. Since then, green smoothies are my absolute favorite breakfast. Quickly prepared, I start my day healthy, delicious and well nourished. I carry the feeling of this delicious healthy breakfast with me all day long - all the way through to the evening.
Nice side effect: Without renunciation or nutritional dogma, green smoothies regulate my desire for coffee, chocolate and all the other temptations.

Among other things, Carla gives workshops for beginners and also is responsible for social media and communication.

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60 | Comment(s)

It finally worked for me, too, after I almost gave up and was about to abandon the whole topic! My trick: letting it cool down significantly longer in between, probably 5-7 minutes. On the 3rd round, with my Vitamix Ascent, the crumbly mass finally turned into a puree within seconds! Even with discount almonds.
Carla von Grü
Hello Anja,

thank you for your feedback! How wonderful that you finally succeeded with the almond butter. Once you get the hang of it, it's just great, isn't it? Depending on the blender, almonds, and oven strength, it can sometimes be a bit of an experiment...
Best regards,

Can almond pulp be used to make almond butter, and if so, how? Unfortunately, it didn't turn into butter for me, but rather a mealy, damp mass that got stuck at the bottom of the blender container and didn't turn into butter.
Carla von Grü
Hello Marion,

Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, that doesn't work. You could only dry the almond pulp and use it for baking.

Best regards,
I made almond butter for my birthday brunch, but I used raw almonds. After more than 1 hour of blending, with breaks to cool down the blender, I finally managed to create a butter, but it was very difficult for the blender. To my horror, when I was cleaning the container, water leaked out from the bottom and the almond butter also came out from the bottom. The container is probably damaged now. It was an expensive almond butter.
Carla von Grü
Hello Karin,

thank you for your comment. That doesn't sound good at all. Which blender are you using?
Unfortunately, I can't offer any advice or experience because I have only made almond butter with roasted almonds, as described in the post above.

Best regards,
It is exactly the same problem with me.
"Hello everyone, I work with both the Thermomix and the Vitamix. I have never used the Vitamix for making nut butter. Maybe it's because I started using the Thermomix from the beginning and it worked really well... I roast hazelnuts (for the flavor), peel them, put them in the Thermomix, set it to the highest speed, leave it for 5-6 minutes, fill the butter into jars, screw the lids on, and store them in the cupboard. The heat created creates a vacuum. After years, there is no change in taste, and about 2 cm of nut oil has accumulated on the butter, which I like to skim off and enjoy separately."
Carla von Grü
"Oh, yes. I can imagine that it works very well with the Thermomix!"
I have the Vitamix A2300i and bought extra the 1.4 liter container

I have tried it mainly with hazelnuts and tried to roast them both in the oven and in the pan. But it never works
Carla von Grü
Hello Volker,

thank you very much for your feedback.
Unfortunately, I can't give you THE tip for making nut puree. I have also tried a bit with my Vitamix TNC 5200 until it worked well for me.

Kind regards,
With me, it never becomes mush. It does become flour first and then a little moister, but then only the engine turns but refines nothing more. I have to add some liquid first so that it becomes a little music. But then it still just gets very hard and crumbly.
I just don't get it, in all the videos it always looks so easy.
Carla von Grü
Hello Volker,
thank you very much for your comment. Important in the almond butter production is the roasting of the almonds - not too short and not too long. Of course, this also depends on the quality of the almonds and the oven. Therefore, it can be that you experiment a bit until the almond butter succeeds.
Which blender are you using?

Hello Carla,
Did work out in the end with a little more cooling time in between.
Great recipe!
Best regards
Carla von Grü
Hello Holger,

super - I am very pleased!!!
Much joy and pleasure with your homemade almond butter!
Hi Carla,
Does the recipe also work with the Thermomix?
It seems he comes there to its limits, becomes very warm.
Carla von Grü
Hello Holger,

I' m afraid I can't tell you - I've only ever made almond butter with a high-speed blender.

Kind regards,
Is the temperature 150°F or 150°C to roast the almonds?
Carla von Grü
Hi Gregor,

the temperature specification is 150 degrees - so not Fahrenheit.

Kind regards,
Hi there, I have the Bianco Volto. Would like to try the almond butter recipe. With which blender that came with it at the time, the long narrow or the wide short, would be suitable for nut puree?
Dear thanks and a nice Sunday
Carla von Grü
Hello Anja,

You can use both containers to make almond butter. The difference lies in the minimum preparation quantity: With the premium container (the narrow one), you can make almond butter from a quantity of 400 ml. With the more compact, wider container, it starts at about 700 ml.

Kind regards,
Hello Carla. I have already added oil as well. I use these almonds for something else. It would be a waste to throw them away. And try it without soaking them beforehand. Just roast them.
Carla von Grü
Hello Bert,
That could of course also be another idea.
Making almond butter always involves a bit of adventurous experimentation - to put it positively :)

Good luck next time,
Hello, I tried to make brown almond butter, but unfortunately it did not turn out creamy. I soaked the almonds, dried them, roasted them, and stirred for what felt like forever. It didn't become a butter. How can I make it into butter now?
Carla von Grü
Hello Bert,

Thank you very much for your comment. That can happen - perhaps it's simply due to the quality of the almonds? It has actually happened to me as well. I just added some almond oil to the mixture to make the texture creamy.

Best regards,
Hello. Unfortunately, after 1 hour of blending, the almonds only turn into flour.
Carla von Grü
Hello Lea,

Of course, that's not ideal. Normally, almond butter can be easily made with a high-speed blender - but it may require a bit of experimentation. Also, it's essential to roast the almonds beforehand. Roasting helps the nut's oil to release more easily. And as mentioned in the instructions, remember to take regular breaks.

Good luck!
Question: Is there any trick to getting the almond butter out of the blender without too much loss? Should I add some oil or water after the initial removal?
Best regards, Petra
I like to take a small cup of plant-based milk and use the resulting liquid as a base for dressings on my raw veggies. Sometimes I also throw in a banana to make a delicious shake :)
Carla von Grü
Dear Eva,
that sounds delicious!

Warm regards,
Carla von Grü
Hello Petra,

Thank you for your question. The best way to do that is with a kitchen scraper. But your ideas sound good too - just give it a try.

Best regards,
Christo S
I think this is a great recipe.
Carla von Grü
Thank you!
Brigitte Westphal
Hello, I have not yet made almond butter myself, I always buy the puree of Betty Butter and make the almond milk from it. Unfortunately, I never really know how much almond puree I need for a liter of almond milk. Do you have a tip ???? Your website is great, and I have already tried many recipes. Many thanks to you
Carla von Grü
Dear Brigitte

i have to pass. We always make our almond milk fresh from almonds in the blender. As a tip: I would simply take as much mush as it needs for a good tasting almond milk for your taste :)

Love, Carla
Sarah H
I don't have almond paste, but I do have a large portion of delicious smelling almond flour?
Muse from roasted nuts / almonds work great. Today I blanched and roasted almonds to get white mush. It just did not turn mushy. When I topped up the amount (300gr) with the same amount of unshelled almonds, it was no longer a problem. I have the Vitamix A3500.
Carla von Grü
Hello Sandra,
thank you for your almond paste feedback. We are delighted to hear that the Vitamix A3500i gives you so much pleasure.
Love, Carla
Does anyone know? i got almond paste as a gift. in a recipe of mine it says to process 200g almonds into paste etc..
how much ready-made mus do I have to take so that I have the 200g almonds? 1:1 is somehow too much? is it about 4 tablespoons?
Have I understood correctly? Do you want to prepare whole almonds from almond paste? That sounds interesting, and I'm curious about the result. But yes, to make 200 grams of almonds, you need 200 grams of almond paste! Please let us know about the result!
Kind regards
Carla von Grü
Sorry, I can't tell you exactly either. Our almond paste recipe yields about 500 g almond paste from approx. to 500 g almonds.
LG, Carla
I regularly make almond paste with my Bianco Puro + Premium container. (for 4 years)
Always succeeds very well. (both with roasted and unroasted almonds)
However, you need some practice.
I never follow a “cooking manual” for nut purée.
There are only a few important tips:
1. The speed must never be so fast that the blades run dry (otherwise the appliance will quickly get hot) – reduce the speed.
2. Speed must never be too slow that you have the feeling that the blades get stuck — Increase speed.
3. nothing works without a tamper! Always push nuts towards the blades.
4. if the paste becomes too hot and the container begins to mist up, wait a little and loosen the paste with a spatula. If necessary, dry the inside of the container with a kitchen towel.
I always use 200-400 g of almonds (depending on requirements)
The preparation takes about 15 minutes (sometimes more, sometimes less – depends on the almonds).

The standard container of the Vitamix Pro 750 does not allow such low preparation quantities, you need the 1.4 l container.
In my opinion, the standard container is ideal for nut purée. My attempt with the Square, failed miserably!

My second favorite besides almond paste is hazelnut paste
200 g hazelnuts + 50g 99% chocolate and 3 dates ........ hmmmmmmm

Dear Astrid,
thank you for your valuable advice on the preparation of almond purée in Bianco Puro. As you mentioned, preparation always depends on the almond quality and texture. I have also made this experience ;)
Thanks also for the hazelnut jam recipe – sounds very tempting!
Warm regards, Carla
Hello Hello,
I'm totally into almond paste right now and would love to prepare it myself. I have the Square container and the Premium container. Do you have any special recipe recommendations, and witch container should I use?
Carla von Grü
Hello Ricarda,
in any case, I would recommend the preparation in the Premium container. You can use it to prepare smaller quantities of viscous preparations, such as nut puree. This way you can slowly get used to the preparation. The Square container is great for green smoothies and for grinding grains or coffee or cocoa beans.
Love, Carla